CrossFit Wingman


Quality Coaches That Care

A Welcoming Community


Success comes most readily when people love what they're doing.  The hard part is finding something you love to do and people you love to do it with. CrossFit Wingman encompasses so many fitness concepts that it's really easy to fall in love with. We do a little of everything. And we do it in a way that helps you make progress quickly and consistently over the long haul.

Train safely

We take time to answer questions when you have them and help you work through struggles if they ever arise. We also make things very simple for you by programming the workouts daily, all you have to do is  walk through the doors. A coach guides everyone through the warmup, strength, skill work, and the workout of the day.

have fun

The environment at Wingman is both welcoming and friendly, the people here are truly great and the community is one that is supportive and encouraging. You won’t have to beg a friend to go to the gym with you… just show up to Wingman and they’re already here. If you love it, and you enjoy the people, the decision to come in and put in the hard work becomes a really easy one because you want to be here. And that’s exactly how we want it to feel.

Starting at a new gym can lead to a lot of questions...


Here are a few we've heard but use the button below if you have any other questions. We're eagerly waiting to answer them and meet you. 

How do I stay motivated?

No matter how educated or motivated you are, it is significantly more difficult to reach your goals alone. This is where the Wingman Concept comes into play. CrossFit Wingman is more like a family of people that all want to be healthy and fit. Everyone will get to know each other, support one another, and grow together.

What type of training is the best?

The short answer, there isn't one. Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist.

What experience do I need to join?

Our gym is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.

Take flight at crossfit wingman


CrossFit Wingman is a gym born from service before self attitude of our coaches who came together to help a community take flight.  



try us for free

Watch the video to learn more about Crossfit wingman!


Ready to try us out for free?

how to get started


Ready to take flight? Follow these three steps to get started at CrossFit Wingman.

Step 1

Fill out the form to claim your FREE CLASS

Click Here


Step 2

Schedule your first session

Step 3

Show up and let us welcome you to our community and prove to you why we're the BEST!

What people are saying about Crossfit wingman!

talk is cheap, let us show you

Here's what you get: 

  • Expertly coached class 
  • Meet our amazing community
  • Try us out before making a commitment to make sure we're the right fit

There are no strings attached. We want to prove our worth to you. We just ask that you show up with a great attitude and excitement to continue on your fitness journey.

Get Started

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Find Us At

45 Tennis Road, Agawam, MA 01001